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Our analysis encompasses three stages of the explosion's impact; the initial sea-air methane release, measurements taken during our research expedition one week later, and a third stage triggered by the shift from summer to winter conditions as an outlook on how winter mixing and microbial activity will influence the plume. Nord Stream is an infrastructure that comprises a network of offshore pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 to provide Northern Europe with fossil gas. The pipeline systems run on the sea floor of the Baltic Sea from Russia to Northern Germany. On the 26th of September the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 abruptly, and simultaneously, started to leak at four locations in Swedish and Danish economic zones. Detonations were registered by several Danish and Swedish seismic stations and the pipeline leaks were associated with the explosions by the Swedish Coastguard. The increased usage of submerged pipelines on a global scale has initiated a number of model studies of the release of gas into sea water from damages such as corrosion, but previous studies have primarily focused on smaller leakage sites 2. The scale of the Nord Stream incident is among the largest known. There is only a limited number of scientific descriptions of similar sub-surface mega gas bubble events. As methane is a more potent greenhouse compared to C0 2such release events add to the growing concern about the effects of anthropogenic climate change. Subsequently, carbon from the methane plume could be recycled through the microbial food web 6. The scope of this paper is to estimate the amount of methane dissolved in seawater in relation to budget estimates of fossil methane directly released to the atmosphere after the explosion. Recently produced methane in the Baltic Sea results from microbial degradation of organic matter, while within the Nord Stream pipelines, fossil methane from Siberian gas reservoirs was transported. We have traced the fossil methane remaining as dissolved methane in the marine environment and related it to the seasonal oceanographic conditions in the Baltic Sea. Our study aids in estimating the dissolved and released fractions of this highly potent greenhouse gas, resulting from one of the largest known anthropogenic leaks of methane. Immediately after the explosion, a surface bubble plume was identified in pictures from satellites and air reconnaissance Evidently the methane discharge from the pipeline was strong enough to transport substantial amounts Japan Withstand 10 Min Blowjob gas all the way to the sea surface where bubble bursting initiated a direct sea-air gas transfer. Both pipelines Nord Stream NS 1 and 2 each consist of two pipes, NS1 A and B as well as NS2 A and B, for a total of four physical pipes. Three of these pipes were affected by detonations, Japan Withstand 10 Min Blowjob at three locations At the time of the explosions, the pipes were not actively transporting gas, but were filled with gas under pressure of approximately 10 MPa. After the explosion at Nord Stream 1, the pressure immediately dropped from 10 to 0. The extreme event caused a dramatic bubble formation in the water, and the Swedish coastguard reported that the diameter of the bubble plume at the surface was m The rate of release to surrounding sea water and emissions to the atmosphere are still under debate. The dimensions of the pipeline Nord Stream 1 indicate a possible release ofmetric tonnes from each detonation site during the first 7—8 days. The dimensions of the pipes are approximately the same, and, therefore, we assume thatmetric tonnes were released in total Fig. If the same release occurred from the three major leaks during the seven days of observed bubbling, it would amount to an emission of 40, metric tonnes to atmosphere. A recent study of the load estimated from satellites indicated an emission ofmetric tonnes to the atmosphere While the direct gas transfer to the atmosphere by bubble bursting stopped a week after the detonations, sea-air gas flux initiated by supersaturated surface water still occurred in the second week Fig. Indeed, a shift towards 13 C-enriched methane in air revealed the direct influence of fossil gas emitted to the atmosphere from the Nord Stream leaks during that time Fig. However, fluxes within the plume area revealed large spatial variations between the stations e.
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