Spatial Cyber Loss Clusters at County Level and Socioeconomic Determinants of Cyber Risks Jaehun Cho, Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung North American Actuarial Journal, 1— Would I Lie to You? How Interaction with Chatbots Induces Dishonesty Christian Biener, Aline Waeber Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. Optimism Bias and its Impact on Cyber Risk Management Decisions Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung Risk Sciences, Vol. Risk Attitude towards On-Demand Insurance: An Experimental Study Hsiaoyin Chang, Hato Schmeiser Geneva Papers and Risk and Insurance. New Life Insurance Products Nadine Gatzert, Hato Schmeiser Handbook of Insurance forthcoming. More Options, More Problems? Lost in the Health Insurance Maze Christian Biener, Lan Zou Journal of Risk and InsuranceVol. Optimal Insurance Deductibles under Limited Information Hato Schmeiser, Jan-Christian Fey, Florian Schreiber Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization forthcoming. Big Data, Risk Classification, and Privacy in Insurance Markets Hato Schmeiser, Martin Eling, Danjela Guxha, Irina Gemmo Geneva Risk and Insurance Review forthcoming. Private Equity Investments in the Life Insurance Industry Anastasia Kartasheva Handbook of Insurance forthcoming. Risk Classification with On-Demand Insurance, Alexander Braun, Niklas Haeusle, Paul Thistle Journal of Risk and InsuranceVol. Cyber Insurance-Linked Securities, Alexander Braun, Martin Eling, Christoph Jaenicke ASTIN BulletinVol. The Credit Suisse CoCo Wipeout: Facts, Misperceptions, and Lessons for Financial Regulation Patrick Bolton, Wei Jiang, Anastasia Kartasheva Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. New Advances on Cyber Risk and Cyber Risk Insurance Martin Boyer, Martin Eling Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Recovery Mode: Non-Cognitive Skills After the Storm Christian Biener, Andreas Landmann World DevelopmentVol. Insurance Literacy is Different Martin Eling, Christoph Jaenicke Journal of Insurance Issues Who Chooses Which Retirement Income? A CPT-Based Analysis An Chen, Manuel Rach Review of Behavioral EconomicsVol. Actuarial Fairness and Social Welfare in Mixed-Cohort Tontines An Chen, Manuel Rach Dating Ab 50 Matthias Kieslich Mathematics and EconomicsVol. On Consumer Preferences for Investment Guarantees Daliana Luca, Hato Schmeiser, Florian Schreiber Geneva Papers on Risk and InsuranceVol. The Economic Impact of Extreme Cyber Risk Scenarios Martin Eling, Mauro Elvedi, Greg Falco North American Actuarial JournalVol. On the Optimal Management of Counterparty Risk in Reinsurance Contracts Lukas Reichel, Hato Schmeiser, Florian Schreiber Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationVol. Der vollkommene Markt — ein nahendes Dilemma der Assekuranz? Insurers as Asset Managers and Systemic Risk Andrew Ellul, Chotibhak Jotikasthira, Anastasia Kartasheva, Christian Lundblad, Wolf Wagner Review of Financial StudiesVol. Bequest-Embedded Annuities and Tontines An Chen, Manuel Rach Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and InsuranceVol. Surrender and Liquidity Risk in Life Insurance Hsiaoyin Chang, Hato Schmeiser Quantitative FinanceVol. Pricing Strategies in the German Term Life Insurance Market: An Empirical Analysis Jonas Jahnert, Hato Schmeiser, Florian Schreiber Risk Management and Insurance ReviewVol. Enabling Cocreation With Transformative Interventions: An Interdisciplinary Conceptualization of Consumer Boosting Martin Bieler, Peter Maas, Lukas Fischer, Nele Rietmann Journal of Service ResearchVol. CoCo Bonds Issuance and Bank Fragility Stefan Avdjiev, Bilyana Bogdanova, Patrick Bolton, Wei Jiang, Anastasia Kartasheva Journal of Financial EconomicsVol. Financing Long-Term Care: Some Ideas from Switzerland Martin Eling International Journal of Health Policy and ManagementVol. Heterogeneity in Cyber Loss Severity and Its Impact on Cyber Risk Measurement Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung Risk ManagementVol. Unraveling Heterogeneity in Cyber Risk Using Quantile Regressions Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung, Jeungbo Shim Insurance: Mathematics and EconomicsVol. Technology Heterogeneity and Market Structure Martin Eling, Ruo Jia, Jieyu Lin, Casey Rothschild Journal of Risk and InsuranceVol. Optimal Labor and Capital Utilization by Financial Firms Martin Eling, Martin Lehmann, Philipp Schaper Journal of Business EconomicsVol. The Magic Triangle: Growth, Profitability and Safety in the Insurance Industry Martin Eling, Ruo Jia, Philipp Schaper Geneva Papers on Risk and InsuranceVol. Market-Consistent Valuation of Natural Catastrophe Risk, Simone Beer, Alexander Braun Journal of Banking and FinanceVol. Multivariate Crash Risk Fousseni Chabi-Yo, Dating Ab 50 Matthias Kieslich Huggenberger, Florian Weigert Journal of Financial Economics The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Along the Insurance Value Chain and on the Insurability of Risks Martin Eling, David Nuessle, Julian Staubli Geneva Papers on Risk and InsuranceVol.
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Oberlausitzer Kreissportbund (@oberlausitzer_ksb) • รูปและวิดีโอ Instagram Diese Frage stelle ich so gut wie immer Kandidaten in Ihrem Bewerbungsgespräch für eine Sales Rolle bei Dealfront. Zur Bedeutung von Personenmerkmalen und Mediennutzungsmustern für die Konfrontation mit Hate-speech und die persönliche Viktimisierung im Netz. Was weißt Du über mich? (, Mai). Universität Leipzig: ForschungBergmann, J. Kohlrautz, B. Climate Protection and Sustainability Impact Award, LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein, Alexander Braun, Sebastian Utz, Jiahua Xu. Forschungsergebnisse zur Nutzerbeteiligung in Online-Nachrichtenmedien" Vortrag vor den IPS-Stipendiaten, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin — Gläser, OSDA-Free Seeded Cu-Containing ZSM-5 Applied for NH 3 -SCR-DeNO x , ACS Omega 8 Dagys, V.
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Zur Bedeutung von Personenmerkmalen und Mediennutzungsmustern für die Konfrontation mit Hate-speech und die persönliche Viktimisierung im Netz. (, Mai). Was weißt Du über mich? Exklusive, zumeist investigativ recherchierte. Storys mit emotionalem und persönlichem Be- zug sowie hoher Interpretations- und Eigenleis- tung. Ausbildung · Studium Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück · Studium Psychologie, Universität Osnabrück · Diese Frage stelle ich so gut wie immer Kandidaten in Ihrem Bewerbungsgespräch für eine Sales Rolle bei Dealfront.DGB Bavaria chairman Matthias Jena taking part in a strike at a BMW factory site in Munich, Germany, 2 February Paper presented at the 7th Biennial Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff. Build your search with words and phrases. Pricing and Performance of Mutual Funds: Lookback versus Interest Rate Guarantees Nadine Gatzert, Hato Schmeiser Journal of Risk , Vol. Neben den klassischen EPR Verfahren mit kontinuierlicher Mikrowelleneinstrahlung liegt dabei besonders der Schwerpunkt unserer Forschung auf dem Einsatz von Puls-EPR-Methoden der Hyperfeinspektroskopie: Elektronen-Spin-Echo-Modulation ESEEM und Elektronen-Kern-Doppel-Resonanz ENDOR. Thesen zur Gegenwart und Zukunft einer Profession" Symposium zu Ehren von Heinz Pürer, LMU München — Empirical Evidence on Policyholder Dynamics Marcus Christiansen, Martin Eling, Jan-Philipp Schmidt, Lorenz Zirkelbach Journal of Risk and Insurance , Vol. Would I Lie to You? Middle row from left: Coach Willibert Kremer, Harry Gniech, Norbert Ziegler, Meul, Thomas Hörster, Peter Szech, Klaus Bruckmann, Lehr, Jürgen Glowacz, Co-Trainer Kentschke and Manager Heitmann. Internal Models Martin Eling, Kwangmin Jung. Quandt, T, Boberg, S. The Structure of the Global Reinsurance Market: An Analysis of Efficiency, Scale, and Scope Christian Biener, Martin Eling, Ruo Jia Journal of Banking and Finance , Vol. Bitte wenden Sie sich direkt an die Autoren, um ein Exemplar des jeweiligen Arbeitspapiers zu erhalten. B Paper presented at the Convention of the International Communication Association, Prague. November Wach, K. Niewolski, J. Krautscheid, Proton and Electron Transfer in the Formation of a Copper Dithiolene-Based Coordination Polymer, Inorganic Chemistry 60 — Hwang, D. Financial Guarantees for Investment Fund Products and their Accounting in Accordance with IFRS Martin Eling, Hato Schmeiser BankArchiv , Vol. Wunderlich, J. Lashchinskaya, A. Georgi Bontschev, Martin Eling Kredit und Kapital , Vol. Oeckler, J. Frischlich, L. Save the Date: Future. Herausforderungen bei der Inhaltsanalyse von Computer- und Videospielen [Methodological challenges in the content analysis of computer and video games]. Which Insurers Write Cyber Insurance? Business Failure, Efficiency, and Volatility: Evidence from the European Insurance Industry Martin Eling, Ruo Jia International Review of Financial Analysis , Vol. Nature Machine Intelligence , vol. Foto: Jan JÜRGEN VOGEL, l. Van Looy, J. Herausforderungen kommunikativen Wandels: Risiken der Online-Nutzung Jugendlicher [Challenges of communicative change: Risks of online use for adolsecents]. Learning in Virtual Reality: Testing the effectiveness of a VR game.